When an advertiser pays for the AD and it starts running on timeline of all users targeted depending on the countries selected , how much advertiser paid and how long the AD runs. We make statistics with computations of how many users viewed the AD on your status/timeline based on 1,000 impressions or times viewed by different users, users who view the ADS on your status/timeline are unique each impressions is created by a unique user, it needs you to have many users in your contacts lists.
Below is the comparison of how to pay per impression or Views. The computations are done every month and earnings will be paid into your wallets of those who reached the threshold for earning from Advertising per impression.
Pay-Per-Impression Pay-per-impression (PPI) is a compensation method that pays based on the number of impressions, or views, that an AD receives. From the advertiser’s perspective, this is abbreviated CPM, which stands for cost-per-mille, or cost-per-thousand-impressions.
This type of compensation model is used predominantly with display ADS, text ADS, video ADS, interactive ADS, and so forth. The pay rate varies, but is more widely known than the PPP compensation model, simply because there are so many more ADS that use PPI than PPP as a payment setup.
As you may be able to guess, the advertiser pays out the AD network and the publisher each time an AD is viewed 1,000 times.
The rate varies based on the specific type of AD and the industry. Video ADS can be over $10, while other types of display ADS average at a few dollars per thousand impressions. At the low end, you’ll be receiving a few cents; at the high end, you’ll be receiving a few dollars, but the rates never quite compare.
We request everyone to be patient, this type of earning model is being implemented and not yet ready at the moment but once it's done everyone will be informed, we request everyone to invite many to use the CashChat App and have many contacts because they will be good for your impressions. Imagine you if we are paying $2 per 1,000 impressions and you have 100000 impressions? You would be making money. Let's make sure we have as many contacts and people in your contact list who are using CashChat, the more the following the more you are likely to earn.
We kindly request you to be patient and don't send fake news because we shall block those who circulate false information.
Note: We are still working on the new updated app for better quality performance, and we are still working on backoffiice for those who will qualify to be Agents. Good things take time.
Below is the comparison of how to pay per impression or Views. The computations are done every month and earnings will be paid into your wallets of those who reached the threshold for earning from Advertising per impression.
Pay-Per-Impression Pay-per-impression (PPI) is a compensation method that pays based on the number of impressions, or views, that an AD receives. From the advertiser’s perspective, this is abbreviated CPM, which stands for cost-per-mille, or cost-per-thousand-impressions.
This type of compensation model is used predominantly with display ADS, text ADS, video ADS, interactive ADS, and so forth. The pay rate varies, but is more widely known than the PPP compensation model, simply because there are so many more ADS that use PPI than PPP as a payment setup.
As you may be able to guess, the advertiser pays out the AD network and the publisher each time an AD is viewed 1,000 times.
The rate varies based on the specific type of AD and the industry. Video ADS can be over $10, while other types of display ADS average at a few dollars per thousand impressions. At the low end, you’ll be receiving a few cents; at the high end, you’ll be receiving a few dollars, but the rates never quite compare.
We request everyone to be patient, this type of earning model is being implemented and not yet ready at the moment but once it's done everyone will be informed, we request everyone to invite many to use the CashChat App and have many contacts because they will be good for your impressions. Imagine you if we are paying $2 per 1,000 impressions and you have 100000 impressions? You would be making money. Let's make sure we have as many contacts and people in your contact list who are using CashChat, the more the following the more you are likely to earn.
We kindly request you to be patient and don't send fake news because we shall block those who circulate false information.
Note: We are still working on the new updated app for better quality performance, and we are still working on backoffiice for those who will qualify to be Agents. Good things take time.
CashChatApp is a very unique platform which provides the following services:
- - Bill Payments.
Pay bills with ease at discounted prices. - - Mobile Money Funds Transfer.
Through CashChatApp you can send money to any network (MTN or Airtel in Uganda , MPESA in Kenya and MTN in Rwanda) at very minimal fees. Wallet to Wallet transfers are also avaible for CashChatApp Members in Uganda and Rwanda only - - Visa Payment platform.
Visa and master card transactions available at lower rates. - - CashChatApp has the following features
-Audio Sharing
-Video sharing
-Advertising etc.... Download Cash Chat here - - Membership Savings.
Save and earn an interest at every end of a financial year.
Register an account with CashChatApp for free.
- Through cash chat as an Advertising agent.
Videos explaining how to use CashChat and earning from Advertising.
To make payment using mobilemoney/mpesa.
- - Click Pay Subscription
- - Select Pay from mobile tab
- - Enter mobilemoney/mpesa number where the money will be deducted
- - Click Make Payment
You will recieve a notification on your mobile phone. Please confirm it inorder
to complete the transaction. Your account will be activated immediately.
To pay using visa
- - Click Pay Subscription > - Click Pay from bank tab
- - Enter your card details
- - Click Proceed
Your transaction will be confirmed instantly. You can proceed and activate your
To pay from wallet
- - Click Pay Subscription
- - Click Pay from wallet tab
- - Click Make Payment
The subscription fee will be deducted from you wallet balance and your account
will be activated instantly.
If you have paid through our paybill number
- - Activate Account
- - Enter your refernce code
- - Click Submit
Your account will be activated immediately.
Yes, This service is only avilable in Uganda and Rwanda. Note exchange rate costs will be incured for this type of transaction.
KES = 30 + (2% of amount to be withdrawn)
E.g If you are withdrawing 1000
Transaction charges are 30 + (1000*0.02) = 50
RWF = 160 + (amount to be withdrawn*3%)
E.g If you are withdrawing 1000
Transaction charges are 160 + (1000*0.03) = 190
UGX = 1500
E.g If you are withdrawing 1000
Transaction charges are 30 + (1000*0.02) = 50
RWF = 160 + (amount to be withdrawn*3%)
E.g If you are withdrawing 1000
Transaction charges are 160 + (1000*0.03) = 190
UGX = 1500
RWF = 150
UGX = 600
UGX = 600